Bitget Learn2Earn: Learn Crypto & Earn Plentiful Rewards
Visit Bitget Learn2Earn!
Where do I learn?
Log in to your Bitget account, or sign up now if you haven’t already, and head to Learn2Earn to start your Learn2Earn journey. Click on any project to start learning everything you need to know about it.
We have prepared a test of 3 to 5 single-choice questions at the end of each Learn2Earn session. You have only 30 seconds to answer each question but fret not, we won’t ask anything cryptically difficult!
What do I earn?
If you’ve got everything right, congratulations! You are well on your way to becoming a crypto master and have already earned yourself some rewards!
Learn2Earn rewards include tokens, coupons, and reward points. Refer to this guide to our Rewards Center for more information.
Finish the Quiz ( all 5 questions all with correct answer ) to earn Free $BGB token ( platform native token )
Terms conditions
You need to log in to enter Learn2Earn.
Every registered user is given 1 attempts per day to enter Learn2Earn tests. Your attempts will refresh at 0:00 (UTC+8) each day.
Only by answering all questions in a test correctly will you be eligible for our rewards.
Your rewards will be distributed to your account within 3 working days.
Any suspicious activity may result in disqualification from Learn2Earn.
Bitget reserves the right to make changes to Learn2Earn without prior notice.